Use of ‘It’ in English: Rules, Examples, and Common Mistakes Explained

Use of ‘It’ in English: Rules, Examples, and Common Mistakes Explained

Use Of It- It এর ব্যবহার

Struggling with the word ‘it’ in English? This tiny pronoun is more powerful than you think! Whether you’re describing the weather, replacing nouns, or emphasizing sentences, “it” is essential for fluent English. In this guide, we break down the use of “it” with simple Bangla translations and practical examples. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to confidence!

1. “It” as a Pronoun (সর্বনাম হিসাবে “It”)


  • Refers to non-living things, animals, or abstract ideas.
  • Replaces a previously mentioned noun to avoid repetition.


  • Bangla: বইটা টেবিলের উপর আছে। English: The book is on the table. → It is on the table.
  • Bangla: বিড়ালটা ঘুমাচ্ছে। English: The cat is sleeping. → It is sleeping.
  • Bangla: এই সমস্যাটা কঠিন। English: This problem is difficult. → It is difficult.

2. “It” for Weather/Time (আবহাওয়া বা সময় বোঝাতে “It”)


  • Used to describe weather conditions, time, or dates (even though there’s no physical object).


  • Bangla: বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে। English: It is raining.
  • Bangla: ঠাণ্ডা পড়ছে। English: It is getting cold.
  • Bangla: সকাল ১০টা বাজে। English: It is 10 a.m.
  • Bangla: কাল আমার জন্মদিন। English: It is my birthday tomorrow.

3. “It” as a Dummy Subject (নকল কর্তা হিসাবে “It”)


  • Acts as a placeholder subject in sentences where the real subject comes later.


  • Bangla: স্কুলে যাওয়া গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।
    English: It is important to go to school.
    (Real subject: “to go to school”)
  • Bangla: তোমার সাথে দেখা করে ভালো লাগলো।
    English: It was nice meeting you.
    (Real subject: “meeting you”)

4. “It” for Emphasis (জোর দেওয়ার জন্য “It”)


  • Highlights a specific part of the sentence using the structure: “It is/was… that…”


  • Bangla: আমি গান গেয়েছিলাম।
    English: It was I who sang the song.
  • Bangla: সে এই সমস্যার সমাধান করেছিল।
    English: It was she who solved this problem.

5. “It” in Common Expressions (সাধারণ অভিব্যক্তিতে “It”)


  • Bangla: এটা সম্ভব না।
    English: It is not possible.
  • Bangla: এটা কীভাবে কাজ করে?
    English: How does it work?
  • Bangla: এটা আমার দোষ না।
    English: It is not my fault.

6. Common Mistakes to Avoid (ভুলগুলি এড়িয়ে চলুন)

  1. Avoid using “he” or “she” for non-living things:
    • ❌ The phone is ringing. He is loud.
    • ✅ The phone is ringing. It is loud.
  2. Don’t omit “it” in weather/time expressions:
    • ❌ Is raining.
    • ✅ It is raining.

Practice Exercise (অনুশীলন)

Translate these Bangla sentences into English using “it”:

  1. আজ গরম লাগছে। (Today feels hot.)
    → It feels hot today.
  2. রাত হয়ে গেছে। (Night has fallen.)
    → It has become night.
  3. এই জুতোটা কিনতে আমার টাকা নেই। (I don’t have money to buy these shoes.)
    → It is these shoes that I can’t afford to buy.

Mastering the use of ‘it’ in English is a game-changer for clear communication. From saying “It is raining” to emphasizing “It was you who helped me,” this pronoun simplifies complex ideas. Practice these rules daily, avoid common mistakes like using “he/she” for objects, and soon, “it” will feel natural in your sentences.

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